KMD POLICY – CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY KMD’S POLICY ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 1 PURPOSE The purpose of the policy is to set the direction for KMD Group’s corporate social responsibility within the respon- sibility areas of human rights, environment and climate impact, labor rights, and governance areas such as anti- corruption. 2 SCOPE _ The scope of the policy is quite wide, as it impacts acti- ons in all business areas and internal staff and is highly relevant for both suppliers and customers. _ The policy affects both contractors, KMD Group emplo - yees, suppliers, outsourcing partners, and customers. 3 POLICY STATEMENTS For decades, KMD Group have supported pivotal parts of the society digitally. This is a heritage we are proud of. Our products and services touch the lives of people every day. We take responsibility for our business’ impact, and we honor our commitment to society. To the KMD Group, responsibility to society means that we are not an ob- stacle, but a contributor to further social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, we wish to inte- grate sustainability in the development of our products, services and business. We believe that digitization contributes to a richer, safer, and more sustainable society. By leveraging digitalizati- on, we want to create wealth, security, and develop com- petences regardless of income, age, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, religion, sexuality, or educational level. KMD Group is a part of the globalized world. This means we have a responsibility that reaches beyond national borders. Therefore, we cooperate with our suppliers and our customers to fulfill the UN Global Compact 10 princip - les for sustainable development. We work sustainably and responsibly by: Human rights _ Complying with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. _ Showing zero tolerance to cases of bullying, harass- ment, child labor or forced labor. _ Working for the non-discrimination of our and our suppliers’ employees based on race, beliefs, age, social position, family origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. _ Safeguarding personal information in relation to cus- tomers and employees. Health & safety _ Cooperating with employee representatives and relevant organized unions to ensure our employees’ and employees of our suppliers’ safe and fair working conditions in accordance with international conven- tions and national law. Sustainable solutions & social responsibility _ Creating innovative digital solutions that will benefit society. _ Supporting the proliferation of digital competences in the societies we are a part of. _ Working to reduce our and our supplier’s climate foot- print and environmental impact. _ Promote climate- and environmentally friendly tech- nologies in society. _ Non-acceptance of any kind of corruption.
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