KMD CSR REPORT 2019 FOREWORD: A year of rapid change Commitment from CEO Eva Berneke Digitization is changing the world – it affects the fundamental ways in which we work and interact with each other. Technology is developing fast – often faster than culture and society. This year, we experienced an abrupt global societal shift. COVID-19 locked down societies one by one in order to mitigate transmission. During this crisis, digitization demonstrated its value to society. In KMD, we mitigated infection by working remotely from home. KMD was able to transform into a digital, remote workforce overnight, and maintained the high performance and customer service that keeps the critical digital infrastructure of the Danish society. During the lock down _ KMD solutions continuously supported the digital communication from the health authorities to the Danish citizens regarding COVID-19 restrictions. _ KMD solutions supported continuous communication between school children and teachers and supported online teaching. _ KMD health care solutions provided online platform for health care professionals to communicate with citizens and offered use of the online video platform free of charge. _ KMD solutions continued to ensure the payment of salary to more than one million employees, and the payment of housing benefits, sickness benefit and a large variety of other public payments. 2019 has been a transformational year for KMD. It was our first year as a member of the NEC-family, which has brought many synergies and benefits within new technology, knowledge, culture and sustainability. One of NEC’s sustainability priorities is to integrate climate change into management decision-making. NEC has set a target for zero CO2 emissions from business activities by 2050. Climate change and environmental stewardship have been priorities for KMD for years. We have worked to reduce our own footprint, as well as support our customers with digital solutions for energy efficiency, education and health. This year, KMD contributed to the Danish Government’s 2030 climate goal of reaching 70 pct. reduction in carbon emission. CEO Eva Berneke led the Climate partnership of the Service, it and counselling sector, an important work that will continue in the coming years. We believe that digital technologies play a vital role in the green transition. World Economic Forum estimates that digital technologies can reduce carbon emissions by 15 percent globally. As we see it, the digital technologies play multiple roles in the green transition. One role is to substitute emissions using digital transformation – converting letters to digital post, reducing transport to meetings with online video conferences etc. KMD also use data to create a smarter society – supporting a smarter powergrid, smarter traffic, smarter waste management, smarter lightning in cities. In KMD we invest in developing smart solutions to support sustainable development, especially in the areas of data driven solutions that support the energy and utility sector and energy optimization. 4
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